A day in the life of a Middle School student

Tutor time


Rock band practice


Back to classes

Production rehearsals

After school

Tutor time
Our day starts with our tutor group, a mix of girls from Y7-10. When I joined SMC in Year 7, I was a bit scared of the older girls but the Year 9s and 10s in my tutor group made me feel really welcome. I was paired with a buddy in Year 8 who also helped me to settle in.
Our tutor helps us get organised for the day and we might talk about what we are currently learning, or what we did at the weekend.

In Year 7-8 we learn Spanish, Mandarin, Te Reo Māori and French, and then in Year 9 we get to choose the language we will continue with. I’ve opted for French. We get to try lots of different subjects before we make more and more subject choices as we move through Middle School.

Rock band practice
I am in a rock band, the Pink Submarines, which I’ve been a part of since Year 7. I play the ukulele. We have a tutor who we work with each week, and we have performed at Rockquest, a New Zealand competition for high school bands. We also get the opportunity to perform in assemblies and at College events.

At lunchtime I spend time with my friends, go to Theatre Sports or play hockey. I’ve got to know quite a few of my friends through the performing arts programme.

Back to classes
Materials Technology is my favourite subject. We use sewing machines to construct our own designs and I am currently making a tote bag. Last year we made computer cases and I gave mine to my mum. It’s really satisfying to be able to use or gift something you have made yourself.

Production rehearsals
I am appearing in the full school production this year. We are currently learning the songs and how to block on stage. I’m really excited to perform in front of an audience.

After school
I catch up with my homework and practice ukulele. My mum also went to St Margaret’s and we talk about her time here - we have a lot more sports options than she had, and the uniform is much nicer and more comfortable.