A day in the life of a Junior School student

Emily joined St Margaret’s College as a New Entrant. She loves learning to write in her Structured Literacy classes.


School starts

In the morning, we learn maths, structured literacy, and about our Inquiry topic, We Belong, where we are finding out about our local community. I really enjoy Structured Literacy with Mrs Callaghan. We write lots in class. In maths, we are learning to order numbers from biggest to smallest.


More classes

After morning tea we go back to class. This year I am learning Te Reo and French. Next year we will still learn Te Reo, but we’ll get to try Spanish, and last year we learnt Mandarin.



At lunchtime I play with my friends Bea and Peyton, and the older girls might come to see us. We chat and play games like tag. Sometimes we have a teddy bears’ picnic or a jump jam with the older girls. We also have a buddy class, ours is Year 6 and my buddy Charlotte and I have just made a dragon together.


Back to class

In the afternoon we might go to a performing arts class, or to PE. We are making up a play with Ms Goldsworthy about a giraffe. We sing a song and I am excited to have a speaking part. In PE I love running and sometimes we play dodgeball.



After school I spend time with my brother and my mum and dad. In the summer I have tennis lessons with my brother, and we often go swimming.