Record SMC contingent in winning Canterbury teams

A record number of St Margaret’s College girls competed in two triumphant Canterbury teams that won their respective national titles during the recent Term break.

Ten SMC girls made under 18 regional selection – five in netball and five in hockey.

Netballers Te Ata Hassan, Bridie James, Ashlyn Koce, Cara Mustchin, Josie Seymour triumphed in the Canterbury U18A netball team, claiming top honours with the Margaret Forysth Cup.

Niamh McKenzie, Sorell Shand, Phoebe Spear, Mezzy Surridge, and Molly Williams lined up for the winning U18A girls hockey team.

Director of Sport Helen Belcher says the girls’ achievements reflected hard work and commitment.

“These are both stunning performances and we’re so proud of all the girls have achieved. It’s not easy balancing the rigours of sport with academic requirements but the girls are very dedicated and deserve success.” 

In addition to our students, SMC was also well-represented by our Sports staff, with Helen Belcher coaching the Canterbury U18A netball team, and Charlotte Lee, hockey coach and SMC Old Girl, coaching the Canterbury U18A hockey team.

SMC has also had a strong contingent representing New Zealand overseas recently and in the upcoming months, in basketball, orienteering, rowing, tennis, kayaking, softball and fencing.