Stay up-to-date with what is happening at SMC.
Continuing to set the benchmark for academic excellence
Congratulations to St Margaret’s College students for their outstanding academic achievements. With a remarkable 98% University Entrance,…
Inspiring the future
At our recent careers event, Inspiring the Future, our Middle School girls heard from eight inspiring young…
Kathryn Gray appointed to Adolescent Success Committee
Head of Middle School Kathryn Gray has been appointed the New Zealand seconded rep to the Adolescent…
Another SMC GirlBoss
Year 10 Lucy Butterfield has won the National GirlBoss STEM award for her work creating a trapline…
Evergreen Spring 2023
Evergreen Spring 2023 is here. Read the latest edition here. Meet our Old Girls – Untouched World…
Meet our GirlBosses
St Margaret’s College is proud to have supported the inaugural GirlBoss Canterbury Awards, and congratulates all ten…
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