Expressions of Te Ao Māori
St Margaret's College supports all our ākonga to embrace Te Ao Māori and be culturally-connected learners through a number of avenues.

Our Year 13 Leader and Bicultural Prefect acts as kaiwhakahaere of a Year 11-13 Mana Taitamāhine (Bicultural Council), and a Year 9-10 Tuakana Teina Rōpū (Big sister, little sister group).
Our senior students are responsible for teaching waiata to our Pre-School students and playing key roles in major school events such as the Mihi Whakatau, Prizegiving, and The Rite Journey, which supports our Year 10 students in their journey from childhood to adulthood.
Kapa Haka is available to all age groups, from Pre-School through to Year 13. All girls in our Junior School participate in Kapa Haka on a weekly basis, and our Middle and Senior School Kapa Haka is open to all students in Years 7-13. Groups perform competitively, at Prizegivings and at other important College and community events.
Mātariki and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori act as central pillars in our celebration of Te Ao Māori. We also regularly host workshops, which might involve weaving, rewena making, or inspirational kōrero by Old Girls and whānau members. Curriculum leaders are proactive in integrating Mātauranga Māori into their teaching and learning programmes.
We take seriously the role of kaitiakitanga of the taiao (environment) by the propagation and regular planting of ngā tipu taketake (native plants), and incorporating sustainable practices into everyday activities.