Chapel life

We are an Anglican school and a faith inclusive community, represented by many denominations. Chapel life lies at the heart of our College.

Our Chaplain

Our Chaplain Reverend Stephanie Clay provides spiritual and wellbeing support for our students, staff and wider community, while maintaining the Anglican values and ethos of our College. Reverend Stephanie believes passionately in facilitating positive growth in a holistic way, through love, care, compassion and encouragement. Reverend Stephanie teaches religious education, and is the Diocese Representative for the Anglican Women Study Centre, Three Tikanaga network which brings together Māori, Pacifika and Pākehā women leaders around New Zealand.

Chaplaincy and pastoral care

We are committed to the spiritual and emotional wellbeing of our students, their families and our staff. Providing a true sense of support and community, Reverend Stephanie takes time to understand the emotional needs of our girls, without judgment or preconceived ideas. She works closely with our teaching and boarding staff in fostering a sense of whānau throughout our College.


As Chaplain, Reverend Stephanie teaches religious education and helps our girls throughout the school to understand aspects of Christian tradition and how faith relates to everyday life. Topics include belonging, caring, forgiving, thanking, serving, remembering, and hoping. Knowing about religion, philosophy and ethics is not only valuable to finding meaning in life, it is also essential for any broad education and foundational for other subjects, from art to English and history. The Anglican Church is a Three Tikanga church bringing together Māori, Pacifika and Pākehā culture, and understanding the history of New Zealand, its bicultural identity and Christianity in Māori culture is a key part of Reverend Stephanie’s teaching, supported by the educational trips she leads.

Chapel Services

At Chapel Services, our Chaplain inspires and challenges students and offers prayers for wisdom, compassion, healing and comfort, and is supported by our students in worship.

Parents and families are welcome and encouraged to attend our Sunday evening services with our students, with family life a central part of our community. There are a number of Sunday Chapel services, with attendance of five chapels each year compulsory for students in Year 7-13.

Our vision is to create empathetic, confident and connected global citizens.