Diana Patchett joins board of Independent Schools of New Zealand

St Margaret’s College is pleased to announce that Executive Principal Diana Patchett has been appointed to the Independent Schools of New Zealand (ISNZ) Board, effective from March 2025.  Diana’s appointment to the Board will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting on 12 August 2025.

Since taking the helm at St Margaret’s in 2018, Diana has been a driving force in continuous improvement in education. Under her leadership, St Margaret’s was one of the first schools in New Zealand to introduce its own bespoke Year 11 curriculum in place of NCEA Level 1, implement structured literacy in its Junior School, and to put into effect a phone-free school day to enhance student wellbeing and engagement.

With a teaching career spanning new entrants to seniors, Diana is deeply committed to building a culture of excellence and encouragement in education – in academia, culture, sport and service to others.

Diana says: “Independent schools have the flexibility and resources to lead innovation in education. I am honoured to join the ISNZ board, and look forward to collaborating with my colleagues to ensure education continues to thrive throughout New Zealand.”